Zona Roberts — Leading Figure in Accessibility — is Dead
The "wheel behind the wheelchair" has died.
On a Roll: Feds Inch Closer to Finally Achieving Key Goal of Americans With Disabilities Act
The 34-year-old Americans With Disabilities Act may soon — finally — give pedestrians, people in wheelchairs or parents pushing strollers true equality in the public right of way.
Under Threat of Federal Suit (Again!), NYC Promises Action on ‘Unacceptable’ Illegal Police Parking
A deputy mayor made a flat-out promise to eliminate illegal police parking that violates the Americans With Disabilities Act. But when? How? We don't know.
Justice Dept., Citing Streetsblog Reporting, Threatens to Sue NYPD Over Cops’ Sidewalk Parking
The city is now facing a major civil rights suit from the Biden Administration if it doesn't eliminate illegal parking by cops and other city workers.
Talking Headways Podcast: Sausage Making and the ADA
"It is fundamentally inappropriate to keep charging disabled people twice as much," our guest Ron Brooks says.
American Streets May Soon Get Their First Accessible Design Standards from the Feds
The ADA has been the law for 33 years. Why has it taken this long to write strong guidelines to implement it on U.S. streets?
Why American Cities Still Aren’t Accessible After 33 Years of the ADA
The Americans with Disabilities Act has made a positive impact on the built environment — but there's so much more left to be done.