Blake Aued

Blake Aued has been doing Streetsblog’s daily national news digest for years. He’s also an Atlanta Braves fan, which enrages his editor in New York.
The Smoke of Friday’s Headlines Gets in Your Eyes
Like cigarettes, big trucks and SUVs kill innocent people. So why not regulate them like cigarettes?
Thursday’s Headlines Spin in Circles
Despite their advantages, it takes some deft messaging to get Americans to accept roundabouts, CityLab reports.
Wednesday’s Headlines Take the Bus
A big transit roundup, the New Orleans vehicle ramming attack, and more in today's headlines.
Tuesday’s Headlines are Smiling for the Cameras
Congestion pricing is a make-or-break issue not just for traffic safety and the climate, but progressive politics as a whole, according to Henry Grabar.
Monday’s Headlines Reveal More on the New Orleans Attack
New Orleans officials were warned that someone could use a vehicle to commit a terrorist attack, but didn't use equipment that could have prevented last week's tragedy.
Friday’s Headlines Want the Freedom of Options
It's true that Americans love their cars, but it's also true that they don't want to have to drive everyplace, The Guardian reports.
Thursday’s Headlines Start the New Year With a Tragedy
The attack on Bourbon Street early Wednesday morning was the latest and deadliest example of a killer using a vehicle as a weapon.
Monday’s Headlines Ring In the New Year
Some year-end roundups, a list of free transit rides on New Year's Eve and more headlines as we wrap up 2024.
Friday’s Headlines Are Crazy About Wildlife
The red wolf is among several species — including humans — that will be protected by U.S. DOT grants for wildlife crossings on highways.
Tuesday’s Headlines Are the Reason for the Season
An MTA worker's delightful after-work hobby, a viral sidewalk meme revisited and a few wonkier deep dives to get you through the holidays.