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Monday’s Headlines Mourn Congestion Pricing

Kathy Hochul didn't just kill congestion pricing in New York City, she may have killed it nationwide for the foreseeable future, experts told the New York Times.

Marc A. Hermann/MTA|

Gov. Kathy Hochul and MTA Chair & CEO Janno Lieber at the Brooklyn Army Terminal on Thu., January 20, 2022, where they announce the completion of a feasibility study on the proposed Interborough Express.

  • New York Gov. Kathy Hochul's last-minute decision to block congestion pricing in Manhattan was also a major setback for other cities like Chicago, Boston and Los Angeles that were closely watching New York City's experiment. (NY Times)
  • Two new bills — one authored by Rep. Hank Johnson (D-Ga.) and the other sponsored by Sens. John Fetterman (D-Pa.) and Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.) — would provide federal operating funds for transit agencies that are struggling post-pandemic. (Transportation for America)
  • The head of the Federal Highway Safety Administration, Shailen Bhatt, is advocating using technology to develop a "safe systems" approach incorporating all road users and limiting human error. (Transportation Today)
  • Oregon lawmakers want to beef up funding for roads and transit, but don't know where they'll find the money. (Governing)
  • The Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority is facing a $700 million funding gap for transit in 2026. (Cities Today)
  • Philadelphia Mayor Sherelle Parker's proposed budget slashes funding for Vision Zero, but his administration points to more spending on traffic safety in other areas. (Inquirer)
  • Colorado Public Radio interviewed the head of Denver's Regional Transportation District about track maintenance problems that have led to light rail slowdowns.
  • The Georgia Building Authority demolished the long-vacant original World of Coke museum in downtown Atlanta and will use it as a parking lot and staging area for renovations at the state capitol. (Axios)
  • Celebrity chef Gordon Ramsey was injured in a bike crash and urged other cyclists to wear a helmet. (Hollywood Reporter)
  • CBS News has a Father's Day story about Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg and his husband, Chasten, who adopted twins two years ago.

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