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Task Force Meets to Address the Future of California Transit

California's Transit Transformation Task Force must address a wide range of issues. Here are three that are crucial, from the perspective of one of the task force members.

January 4, 2024

Labor Gains: NYC Delivery Workers Say New Minimum Wage Lets Them Ride Safely

“You don't have to risk your life to try to save two minutes anymore. You can ride safely and have a better chance of making it home at the end of the shift,” said Josh Wood, who mostly delivers for Uber.

January 3, 2024

Eight New Year’s Resolutions For Transportation Decisionmakers

As we do every year, we're challenging the architects of our transportation system to do better.

January 2, 2024

2023 Was the Year of Metro Freeway Widening

Metro quietly finished work on two 5 Freeway widening mega-projects, and started work on widening the 57/60, 91, and 605 - while continuing work on numerous widenings under construction — plus planning future mega-widenings.

December 27, 2023

Guest Column: With Data, We Can Design Bus Stops to Make People Feel Happy

"Can better bus stops make everyone near them happier, whether or not you ride the bus?"

December 27, 2023

They’re Driving To America: Neil Diamond Musical’s Anti-Congestion Pricing Stunt Irks New Yorkers

It's a song sung blue: A Broadway producer is so opposed to congestion pricing that he'll refund the still-non-existent toll to see his show.

December 27, 2023

L.A. Times Does Excellent Deep Dive on Dooring

The Times speaks to drivers, a majority of Times readers, while also affirming the lives of cyclists. The article concisely explains terms - dooring, sharrows, protected bike lanes - that are common for cyclists, but little understood by the broader general public.

December 21, 2023

MTA: N.J. Slept Through the Entire Congestion Pricing Environmental Review

"New Jersey’s claim that it was deprived of adequate opportunities to consult on the project is revisionist history," the MTA's attorneys wrote.

December 19, 2023

New York City Continues Battle To Set Its Own Speed Limits

Reminder: last year, despite the support of Gov. Hochul, the state Senate, Mayor Adams and the City Council, Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie (D-Bronx) refused to allow the lower house to vote on the bill.

December 18, 2023

Chicago to Lower Transit Speeds After NTSB Report on Crash

The CTA Yellow Line, aka the Skokie Swift, which runs between Skokie and Rogers Park, has remained out of commission for nearly a month since November 16, when a run crashed into a snow removal machine at Howard Street station. Slowing the train down is the first step to bringing it back.

December 13, 2023