What Happens to E-Bikes and E-Scooters In NYC? They’re Fish Food
A green group has pulled 410 scooters and e-bikes out of the Bronx River since July 2023. What the hell?!
It’s Officially Transit Month
The San Francisco Transit Riders, Seamless Bay Area, and other advocates celebrate buses, trains, ferries, and the people who make them run.
Killed by a Traffic Engineer: CalBike Interviews Wes Marshall
There is nothing that says you have to design for the peak or for 20 years from now. It’s a choice we’re making.
Don’t Forget About Non-Drivers in Rural America
"Too often, advocates for reducing car-dependency focus solely on dense urban areas. But in doing so, they write off too much of our country and discount the reality of too many non-drivers."
How Car Commutes Are Making Americans Sick
Relentless car journeys don’t just occupy our time; they significantly shape our mood and overall outlook on life. Here's how.
House GOP Leaders Try to Sneak Massive Transit Cuts into the Budget
If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again to cut transit funding.
Chicago Advocates are Demanding a People-Friendly Lake Shore Drive
The advocates and elected officials who attended and spoke are upset that IDOT and CDOT's current plan simply rebuilds the 8-lane shoreline highway with no transit lanes.
The Paris Plan for Olympic Traffic? Build More Bike Lanes
A push to make Paris fully bikable for the Olympics is already paying dividends long before the opening ceremonies.
Disabled NYer’s are Victims of Gov. Hochul’s Congestion Pricing Pause
So many New Yorkers can’t use the closest subway station to their homes because they don't have an elevator. And Gov. Hochul just halted funding for 23 new lifts.
GOP’s ‘Project 2025’ is ‘Based on a Lot of Ignorance’
What does Transportation for America's Beth Osborne think of the transportation portion of the Heritage Foundation's playbook for a Trump presidency?