Op-Ed: Amtrak Isn’t Profitable — And That’s Okay
"As a for-profit company, Amtrak fails ... spectacularly. As a government agency, created half a century ago to carry out a public purpose recognized in law and in Supreme Court rulings, it is a spectacular success worth celebrating, supporting, and building up."
Commentary: It’s Time for Newsom to Bring it Home on High Speed Rail
Oil-funded, Trumpian Republicans long-ago decided to turn California's HSR project into a political football. If they want to play games, then it's long past time for California Democrats to stop jerking around and play to win.
Trump Turns Firehose of Disinformation on California High-Speed Rail
New administration, same BS.
Republican Assemblymembers Attack High Speed Rail
California republicans are trying to defund high speed rail — even as a new report shows how investments help workers.
CA Envisions a Zero-Emission, Connected Rail Network by 2050
And this time the CA State Rail Plan's vision for an electrified, connected network doesn't dismiss catenary wire out of hand.
New Video Shows Future CA High-Speed Rail Connection to Southern California
Watch the future of high speed rail in just four minutes.
Opinion: Who Does Passenger Rail Serve?
"In short, passenger rail serves everyone – even the people who don’t meet the profit margins of airlines and car manufacturers."
Friday Video: Experience 40 Blissful Hours In An Amtrak Sleeper Car in Just 29 Minutes
Ever wondered what it's really like to take that cross country train trip you've always dreamed of? Travel journalist Sojourner White has you covered.
Media Critique: Labor Day Traffic Coverage Ignores Trains
Recent coverage of the Labor Day weekend travel crush fails to mention rail services.
Rail Reflections from the California Zephyr
"Train travel connects you with your surroundings in a way that flying over states or driving in an individual car cannot."