Public Transportation
To Recruit Transit Workers, More Than Just Higher Pay Is Needed
Labor shortages continue threatening public transit systems, and a new report adds another layer to the conversation.
‘Human Transit’ 2.0: How Mass Modes Make Us More Free
A classic book on transit gets an update for a radically transformed world. And, yes, Elon Musk gets a little shade.
Task Force Meets to Address the Future of California Transit
California's Transit Transformation Task Force must address a wide range of issues. Here are three that are crucial, from the perspective of one of the task force members.
Bikeway Lessons From Medford, Oregon
Streetsblog L.A. Editor Joe Linton shares worthwhile bike, bus, and walk features spotted during a recent trip to Medford, Oregon
Bay Area Transit Agencies Struggles to Define a Vision for the Future
Leaders plan to put a regional tax measure on the ballot, but first they need to show what those taxes would do for the Bay Area transit system.
Top Transit Org Lists the Equity-Focused Projects America Needs Right Now
Advocates are handing their DOTs a list of transformative transit projects that could heal the harms of the past — and a list of boondoggles that deserve to be scrapped.
How Transit Saved Lives — And Became a Lifeline — During and After the Maui Fires
A Maui bus agency helped transport 42,000 people off the island in the wake of one of the most devastating fires in American history — and highlighted the critical role that shared modes can play not just in preventing climate-related disasters, but saving lives when they happen.
Op-Ed: Why Is Fare Evasion Punished More Severely than Speeding?
A.B. 819 offers California the opportunity to decriminalize fare evasion and replace punitive measures with more equitable approaches.
Opinion: Fights Over Fare Evasion Are Missing the Point
"To be clear, I'm not advocating for gate jumping. But I am advocating that we direct our attention to what truly matters."
How a New Drug Testing Rule from USDOT Could Help Alleviate the Bus Operator Crisis
Marijuana is legal in some form in 23 states. So why should bus drivers get fired for using it when they're not behind the wheel?