Where Metro and Caltrans Are Widening L.A. Freeways, Sabotaging the Climate, Fanning the Flames
Climate disruption is here. Right now. It's past time that Southern California transportation heavyweights — Metro and Caltrans — stop making the situation worse.
Wider Won’t Work: Wider Highways Are a Prescription for an Unhealthy Future
Metro/Caltrans highway expansion will encourage more vehicle trips, exposing already disadvantaged, environmental justice communities to even more pollution, with lifelong health impacts.
Advocates Share What It Takes to Fight Highway Expansions in Court
What does it take to sue your state DOT? Time, money, the right partners, and a little creativity, a recent survey of activists found.
‘A Petition, a Website, and a T-shirt’: Ann Arbor Advocates Share Tips for Fighting Highway Expansions
Ann Arbor advocates helped get a destructive and wasteful highway expansion thrown out — and they have some ideas on how you can, too.
How to Fight a Texas-Sized Freeway Battle
A new book explores how Texas advocates are fighting back against destructive highway expansions. But what happened to those projects since it was sent to the printer?
Rundown of New Federal Reconnecting Communities Grants for L.A. County
There are seven L.A. County Reconnecting Communities grants totaling $162 million — about 90 percent of that goes to Metro's Removing Barriers project, which includes new bus lanes, first/last mile walk/bike facilities, bike-share, and more.
Calif. Claims Adding Miles of New Lanes to a Freeway Is… Not Expanding the Freeway
Metro claims "no [710 Freeway] expansion whatsoever" — and, at the same time, Metro says they won't rule out demolishing homes.
Who Regrets Tearing Down the Embarcadero Freeway?
An excerpt from John King's Portal: San Francisco's Ferry Building and the Reinvention of American Cities—and a reminder of how much attitudes can change about car-dominated cities and infrastructure.
2023 Was the Year of Metro Freeway Widening
Metro quietly finished work on two 5 Freeway widening mega-projects, and started work on widening the 57/60, 91, and 605 - while continuing work on numerous widenings under construction — plus planning future mega-widenings.
Highway Expansion Project Not Approved by California Transportation Commission
Adding another lane won't reduce congestion, yet Caltrans keeps doing it, and the CTC usually approves the money for it. There's too little discussion of alternatives.ornia Transportation Commission.