Caltrans Releases Long-Awaited Complete Streets Guidelines
So is Senator Scott Wiener's Complete Streets bill necessary? Yes, it is.
Governor Newsom’s “Climate Commitment” Does Not Include Active Transportation
The state is committed to climate investments, but one of its best climate programs - the ATP - is apparently dispensable.
Highway Expansion Project Not Approved by California Transportation Commission
Adding another lane won't reduce congestion, yet Caltrans keeps doing it, and the CTC usually approves the money for it. There's too little discussion of alternatives.ornia Transportation Commission.
Calif. Using ‘Auxiliary Lane’ Freeway Widening Loophole for Non-Aux Lane Projects
Beyond just using harmful loopholes legally, Metro and Caltrans deceptively bypass environmental regulations in order to keep on widening freeways.
Complete Streets Survey Results: Californians Are Scared to Use Caltrans Streets
Complete Streets are as far away now as they were when SB 127 was vetoed by Governor Newsom.
Is Safety Really Calif. DOT’s ‘Top Priority’?
“No one at Caltrans should be using the word ‘safety’ while [their] engineers continue to condescend to the families of the dead victims of [their] roadway designs.”
I Lost My Job at Caltrans for Speaking Out Against Highway Widening
My concerns were repeatedly brushed off by my bosses, who seemed more concerned about getting the next widening project underway than following the law.
California Transportation Commission Chair: “Widen Freeways for the People”
Every dollar spent on widening highways right now is a dollar not spent on better, cleaner, safer, and more sustainable alternatives. It is also a dollar that will require future dollars to be spent in order to maintain what it is building today. Widening highways now is a way to keep the status quo in place for years into the future, when we need to change that status quo.
Calif. DOT Announces $300 Million “Super 605” Freeway Enhancement Project
The Super 605 project does not appear to expand or widen the freeway itself, but focuses on maintaining/rehabilitating the existing roadway.
California Has to Stop Building Freeways. Now.
"People aren't used to thinking of freeways as fossil fuel infrastructure, but they are." And once built, there's no going back, no making up for the extra driving by trying to convince people that a bus or train might be a better choice - we're stuck with it.