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Is Safety Really Calif. DOT’s ‘Top Priority’?

“No one at Caltrans should be using the word ‘safety’ while [their] engineers continue to condescend to the families of the dead victims of [their] roadway designs.”

November 9, 2023

I Lost My Job at Caltrans for Speaking Out Against Highway Widening

My concerns were repeatedly brushed off by my bosses, who seemed more concerned about getting the next widening project underway than following the law.

November 3, 2023

California Transportation Commission Chair: “Widen Freeways for the People”

Every dollar spent on widening highways right now is a dollar not spent on better, cleaner, safer, and more sustainable alternatives. It is also a dollar that will require future dollars to be spent in order to maintain what it is building today. Widening highways now is a way to keep the status quo in place for years into the future, when we need to change that status quo.

October 24, 2023

Calif. DOT Announces $300 Million “Super 605” Freeway Enhancement Project

The Super 605 project does not appear to expand or widen the freeway itself, but focuses on maintaining/rehabilitating the existing roadway.

October 4, 2023

California Has to Stop Building Freeways. Now.

"People aren't used to thinking of freeways as fossil fuel infrastructure, but they are." And once built, there's no going back, no making up for the extra driving by trying to convince people that a bus or train might be a better choice - we're stuck with it.

September 26, 2023

Why Reducing Vehicle Miles Traveled Matters

“Our job now is to prioritize solutions that mitigate the impacts of climate change while equitably improving quality of life. To do so we need to rethink how we build so Californians can drive less."

September 22, 2023

Cal. DOT “Shakeup” Is a Bad Sign

Why was one of Caltrans' most staunch advocates for sanity within Caltrans "reassigned"?

September 19, 2023

Calif. Gets More Money for Sustainable Transportation

Caltrans awards $54 million in planning grants for regions aligning planning with climate, equity, and mobility goals.

August 31, 2023

How Can Buses Be Sped Up?

And what do state and regional agencies plan to do about it?

July 28, 2023

Scaled-Back LA Freeway Widening Will No Longer Destroy Residents’ Homes

Metro Senior Director Isidro Pánuco announced that the 605 Corridor Improvement Project will have no residential displacements as it will be kept within existing Caltrans right-of-way.

July 19, 2023