Roger Rudick
Why are Unpaid Advocates so Much Faster than City Government?
It's about the city's leadership, period.
Streetfilms Celebrates San Francisco’s Red-Carpet Transit Lanes
Because 50~80 people on a bus should not be forced to sit in traffic behind individuals in private cars.
Transit Master Class: Learning from Switzerland
A delegation of advocates and Bay Area transit officials spent a week in Switzerland learning how one of the world's best transit and rail systems works. Here's a taste of what they learned.
Commentary: Waymo and Cruise are Driven by Money, Not Safety
AV execs need to stop co-opting Vision Zero.
Bicyclists Take Over the Oakland Bay Bridge
The headlines shouldn't read "why are cyclists on the bridge?" They should read "why are cyclists banned in the first place?" especially considering how long Caltrans and MTC have promised to change this sorry situation.
See It: San Francisco’s Impressive New Concrete-Island-Protected Bike Lanes
Streetfilms documents Oakland's best-practice protected bike lane and decides it looks great.
Can We Complete California High-Speed Rail in Five Years?
Join a panel discussion about what it would take to get it done, all the way from Los Angeles to San Francisco, in five years.
Streetfilms Joins Streetsblog for a Tour of Alameda’s New Cycletracks
Enjoy this view of western Alameda's new raised cycle track at The Point.
Advocates Punk SFMTA’s Valencia Bike Lane Clusterf*ck
The bike lane is so bad you just have to laugh.
Study: Trolley Buses with Batteries are the Best Path to Zero Emissions
“The trolley system is this huge asset that we already have,” said Lantsberg. “We like battery buses. And we like electric vehicle charging, but we think that a trolley bus is a superior mode.”