Melanie Curry
Streetsblog California Editor Melanie Curry has been thinking about transportation, and how to improve conditions for bicyclists, since her early days commuting by bike to UCLA long ago. She was Managing Editor at the East Bay Express, and edited Access Magazine for the University of California Transportation Center. She also earned her Masters in City Planning from UC Berkeley.
It’s Safe to Ride Transit
BART ridership is still only at about 40 percent of its pre-pandemic levels, and that media-fed perception of danger might be one factor in the slow recovery rate.
Can California’s High Speed Rail Be Built Faster?
The answer is yes, with stronger cooperation and buy-in from state and federal leaders.
What Is to Become of Southern California’s Coastal Rail Corridor?
Emergency repairs are done, and now there will be more studying of the problems.
California’s State Transportation Officials Say We ‘Need to Drive Less’
The draft Carbon Reduction Strategy is being circulated for public comment by August 18.
CA Wins Federal Grants to Support Transit in “Areas of Persistent Poverty”
These are competitive grants for planning, engineering, or developing transit service improvements in historically disadvantaged communities.
Your City May Be Rethinking Parking Rules
TransForm has a guide to help you advocate for smarter parking policies that can lead to a greater housing supply.
This Calif. Assemblymember Wants People to Think Bike Lanes Cause Pollution
Don't believe it.
Calif. Stop-as-Yield Bill Dropped… for Now? Forever?
Boerner's staff emphasize that the Assemblymember plans to continue working on the issue, but that as of now there are no details about what a "robust and comprehensive bike and e-bike safety bill package" might contain.
Daylighting, Sidewalk Riding, and Free Youth Transit Pass Bills Pass Committee Votes in Calif.
Bill to require transportation planning to consider climate also passes; Bicycle Safety Stop bill withdrawn by its author