Talking Headways
Talking Headways Podcast: Oh, Deer, We Have to Stop Roadkill
Don't call it "roadkill." Call it "wildlife that we need to protect for them and for us." A very special podcast episode.
Talking Headways Podcast: Aging Adults and Climate Emergencies
Climate change is affecting all of us — but especially seniors. Let's talk about it.
Talking Headways Podcast: Want Riders? Run Frequent Service
Before you fill any gap in transit, you need the resources to provide that service, says a true expert in this special edition.
Talking Headways Podcast: The Living City
How you govern the trees is how you govern the city, says author Des Fitzgerald in this very special episode.
Talking Headways Podcast: Finding Resources to Do Big Things
We discuss how cities create budgets that reflect their policy goals and what it takes to find resources for big ideas with Chris Fabian of Resource X.
Talking Headways Podcast: Real Estate Impacts at BART
One of the great assets of any transit system is its real estate — and how it's developed has a major impact on ridership and, therefore, farebox revenue.
Talking Headways Podcast: Bringing Public Health to Traffic Safety
For too long, public health officials have been absent from discussion of the very public health crisis of road violence. That ends today in a very special episode.
Talking Headways Podcast: Beyond Greenways
This week we’re joined by Bob Searns to talk about his new book and grand ideas for walking trails that circle whole regions and more local routes that make up a new mode of green infrastructure in cities.
Talking Headways Podcast: Local Culture and Development
We chat with Tim Sprague from Phoenix about supporting local culture through development projects and the importance of sustainable development and transportation.
Talking Headways Podcast: Better Land Use Reduces Transportation Emissions!
Sure, you know the importance of land use in reducing travel and emissions — but how do you do it? That's the question we'll address today.