Where Metro and Caltrans Are Widening L.A. Freeways, Sabotaging the Climate, Fanning the Flames
Climate disruption is here. Right now. It's past time that Southern California transportation heavyweights — Metro and Caltrans — stop making the situation worse.
CA Envisions a Zero-Emission, Connected Rail Network by 2050
And this time the CA State Rail Plan's vision for an electrified, connected network doesn't dismiss catenary wire out of hand.
Calif. Governor Newsom Signs Complete Streets Bill
Finally! State law will require Caltrans to plan and build a transportation system for everyone who uses California roads.
Themes from Streetsblog California’s Ten Years
Part 1: The LOS, VMT, CEQA, OPR alphabet soup.
Wider Won’t Work: Wider Highways Are a Prescription for an Unhealthy Future
Metro/Caltrans highway expansion will encourage more vehicle trips, exposing already disadvantaged, environmental justice communities to even more pollution, with lifelong health impacts.
Environmental Groups File Suit Against I-80 Highway Expansion
The environmental report for the Yolo Bypass project understates the true impacts of the project, according to the lawsuit.
California Leaders Celebrate Ten Years of Climate Action
Air Resources Board report highlights progress funded by the California Cap-and-Trade Program.
California Is Getting Real about Transit Transformation
Meeting California’s ambitious climate goals will require getting people out of cars and on to trains and buses. That shift could require as much as a five-fold to ten-fold increase in transit ridership above pre-COVID levels by 2045.
Calif. Claims Adding Miles of New Lanes to a Freeway Is… Not Expanding the Freeway
Metro claims "no [710 Freeway] expansion whatsoever" — and, at the same time, Metro says they won't rule out demolishing homes.
California Launches New Transportation Equity Tool
The Transportation Equity Index maps out crash rates and creates a new way to map out multimodal access.