Roger Rudick
Eyes on the Street: Check out Oakland, Calif.’s Newest Protected Intersection
But they blew it on the bike lanes themselves, which are paint only.
New Poll: S.F. Voters Want Better Transit, Safer Streets, and More Car-Free Spaces
Safe and livable streets issues are winning issues. When will more Bay Area politicos realize that fact?
Commentary: Will California Ever Go All-in on Intercity Rail?
Some thoughts and takeaways from my recent odysseys with Amtrak.
Little ‘Radical’ Cyclists Invade Oakland
Some Oakland motorists may have been slightly delayed Saturday by hordes of children having fun biking around Lake Merritt.
S.F. Fire Apologies for Tweeting About Imaginary Bike Rule
There is no rule in California that says cyclists have to ride single file — but the San Francisco Fire Department tweeted about it anyway.
Commentary: There is Zero Ambiguity to the West Portal Tragedy
What happened in West Portal was entirely predictable and preventable. The city must now close Ulloa to through traffic and make sure it can never happen again.
Commentary: The West Portal Tragedy and the Unfathomable Cost of Motordom
Unrestricted driving, wide forgiving roads, little to no physical infrastructure to force speed reductions, and no real police enforcement—this is the predictable and inevitable result.
An Update on California’s High-Speed Rail Project
Diridon Station, Salesforce Transit Center, the Portal tunnel, Caltrain electrification—SPUR hosts a panel about all the connections and projects that will together make up the Bay Area's future rail system.