Melanie Curry
Streetsblog California Editor Melanie Curry has been thinking about transportation, and how to improve conditions for bicyclists, since her early days commuting by bike to UCLA long ago. She was Managing Editor at the East Bay Express, and edited Access Magazine for the University of California Transportation Center. She also earned her Masters in City Planning from UC Berkeley.
Report: Calif.’s Transformative Climate Communities Program Is Transforming People’s Lives
The funding from cap-and-trade is empowering communities to plan and implement what they need.
What the Heck is Going on With the California E-Bike Incentive Program?
The program's launch has been delayed for two years, and currently "there is no specific timeline" for it. Plus the administrator, Pedal Ahead, is getting dragged, but details are vague.
California Considers AV Regulation
AV bills related to safety, emergency responders, data, reporting requirements, and more.
Shifting Gears: Towards a New Way of Thinking About Transportation
Dr. Susan Handy investigates the ideas that have shaped the nation's car-oriented transportation to help uncover what needs to change to get to a safer, more sustainable system.
Report: Pedestrian Deaths at a Forty-Year High
The Dangerous By Design report shows trends are going in the wrong direction in most metropolitan areas. California is no exception.
Environmental Groups File Suit Against I-80 Highway Expansion
The environmental report for the Yolo Bypass project understates the true impacts of the project, according to the lawsuit.
Calif. Legislature Rejects Governor’s Proposed Cuts to Active Transportation, Intercity Rail
A quick review of what the legislature wants in the transportation budget.
How Bad Is Gov. Newsom’s Proposed Cut to Calif.’s Active Transportation Program? Awful.
It would have zeroed out the entirety of Cycle 7 - but the legislature has rejected the cuts.
Register Your Bike. It’s Easy, It’s Free, and It Helps Everyone
Bike Index, a free national bike registry, just launched an iOS app to make it even easier.
Calif. Will Continue to Undermine its Climate Goals by Widening Highways
CTC approved funding to widen I-80, and a bill that would have reformed funding for freight corridors was killed by the Appropriations Committee.