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It’s Safe to Ride Transit

BART ridership is still only at about 40 percent of its pre-pandemic levels, and that media-fed perception of danger might be one factor in the slow recovery rate.

August 23, 2023

Advocates React To the Feds’ Latest Offensive Bike Safety PSA

This Fourth of July, we wish we could celebrate true freedom — from terrible public service announcements from our government.

July 4, 2023

Why Regulators Are Ignoring 90% Of ‘Underride’ Crash Deaths — And Not Counting Vulnerable Road Users At All

Every year, hundreds of people die horrific deaths in underride crashes U.S. roads. But a new documentary says regulators aren't counting the vast majority of them — or mandating a simple technology to save their lives.

June 15, 2023

Five Better Ways to Do Traffic Safety Education Beyond PSAs

Too often, road user "education" in the U.S. looks like pedestrian-shaming PSAs, flimsy driver's ed courses, and lame signs on the side of the road. Streetsblog readers say there's a better way.

June 14, 2023